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Workflow Automation



25% off cloud or self-hosted

Save up to $1,500

Build complex automations 10x faster, without fighting APIs

Redemption instructions:
Click the button to be redirected, at checkout select "Add discount" and use code: 043B2314 to get 25% off for 12 months.

Special Restrictions:
- The discount is applicable only for the first year of the n8n subscription

Available for new customers only

How It Works

n8n is a workflow automation tool that allows you to build flexible workflows with a focus on deep data integration. n8n emphasizes adaptability to your workflow needs, offering full source code access, self-hosting for data security, and embeddable UI for customer access to integrations. It aims to provide a cost-effective solution with its self-hosting option and a supportive community for troubleshooting.



Build powerful workflows, really fast.

Handle complex processes with ease.

Connect APIs without code or write custom JavaScript.


#APIs & DevOps
#Low Code/No Code



[email protected]


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